
No. 2176

Soft Square Ashtray 7" circa 1984-1991, Anthracite glaze (see Note), photos from the collection of Michael Bono

Note: These ashtrays were glaze test pieces rather than production pieces, which explains the great difference in their glazes, the unusual inscriptions, and label.

Bottoms read:

  1. Embossed text on upper-right example:  Haeger © 2176 USA
  2. Gold hand-printed text:  H1H, H7 and H3

478 is an unknown design number that has not been found in a catalog. 39, on the other hand, appears in catalogs and was used to order pieces in the Anthracite glaze.

We know these ashtrays are design number 2176 by the text embossed on one of them, and 2176 has only been found in catalogs 1984-1991. Though COPYRIGHT 2000 suggests when these test pieces were likely created.